Safeguarding Policy Statement of Intent

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– At Breeze Healthcare Ltd, we are committed to the highest standards of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of vulnerable persons, including children, young people, and adults at risk. Our safeguarding policy reflects our dedication to creating a safe environment where every individual is respected, valued, and protected from harm.

Our Commitment
We are dedicated to ensuring that all vulnerable persons within our care or involved in our services are safeguarded from any form of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Our commitment includes:
– Creating a Safe Environment: Ensuring that our facilities and services are safe and welcoming for all vulnerable persons.
– Preventative Measures: Implementing robust recruitment and vetting processes to prevent unsuitable individuals from working with vulnerable persons.
– Training and Awareness: Providing comprehensive training for all staff, volunteers, and associates on safeguarding practices and the recognition of abuse and neglect.
– Clear Reporting Procedures: Establishing and maintaining clear procedures for reporting any concerns about the welfare of vulnerable persons.
– Supporting Individuals: Offering support to vulnerable persons and their families, ensuring they feel heard, respected, and empowered.
= Collaborative Approach: Working collaboratively with local authorities, healthcare providers, and other relevant organisations to ensure a coordinated response to safeguarding concerns.

– Staff and Volunteers: All staff and volunteers are required to adhere to this policy and are responsible for reporting any concerns or suspicions of abuse or neglect.
– Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): The DSL is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the safeguarding policy, managing concerns, and liaising with external agencies.
– Management: The management team is responsible for ensuring that safeguarding policies and procedures are in place, regularly reviewed, and effectively implemented.

Review and Compliance
– Our safeguarding policy will be reviewed annually or in response to any significant changes in legislation or practice. Compliance with this policy is mandatory for all staff, volunteers, and associates of Breeze Healthcare Ltd.

Breeze Healthcare Ltd is committed to safeguarding vulnerable persons and ensuring their safety and well-being. We believe that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and we strive to create an environment where all individuals can thrive without fear of harm.