Mobile Phone Usage Agreement For Agency Staff

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This Mobile Phone Usage Agreement outlines the terms and conditions governing the use of mobile phones by agency staff while on assignment at [Client Company].

Phone Ownership:
– All mobile phones used by agency staff on assignment are the property of either the agency or the agency staff member.

– Agency staff are responsible for the care and safekeeping of their own mobile phones.

Acceptable Use:
– Mobile phones may be used for work-related purposes, including communication with the agency, client company, and colleagues.

– Personal use of mobile phones should be minimized and should not interfere with work responsibilities.

– The use of mobile phones for illegal or inappropriate activities is strictly prohibited.

– Mobile phones must be silenced or switched to vibrate mode in client company premises, unless otherwise authorized.

– The use of mobile phones for photography or recording without explicit permission is prohibited.

– Mobile phones must not be used in a manner that compromises client company’s confidential information or intellectual property.

Data Protection:
– Agency staff must comply with the client company’s data protection policies.

– Personal data handled on mobile phones must be protected in accordance with relevant data protection laws.

Client Property:
– Agency staff must not use client company property or equipment to charge their mobile phones without authorization.

Consequences of Misuse:
– Breach of this agreement may result in disciplinary action, including termination of the assignment.

– The agency reserves the right to monitor mobile phone usage to ensure compliance with this agreement.


– Agency staff agree to indemnify and hold harmless the agency and the client company from any liability arising from their misuse of mobile phones.